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14 Tips to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

Antlara Dental Clinic - Lara, Antalya, Turkey

It is natural to want white, shiny teeth. However, our teeth turn yellow over time for various reasons. If you are wondering what causes yellow teeth and how to get rid of them, read our article carefully and note which method works best for you.

The information in this article is backed up by scientific research, and we did not include any harmful methods.

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Why Are My Teeth Yellow

The most important reason for teeth yellowing is inadequate oral care.  Another major cause of the yellow stains on teeth is the structure of saliva. The fluidity, thickness, base, or acidity of the saliva has a crucial role in the teeth going yellow. In the case of people with an acidic saliva structure, if they do not brush their teeth, their teeth will turn yellow and rot sooner.

Dental discoloration is not a problem that only affects adults. Especially iron drugs are known to yellow kids' teeth. Malnutrition is another yellow teeth causes in children.

Furthermore, brown and black tooth colors are also common in children. In most cases, this is caused by insufficient contact between the saliva and the front teeth.

There are several factors that contribute to the yellowing of the teeth;

Genetic Predisposition

It may be genetic if your teeth remain yellow despite regular oral and dental care. As with eye color, teeth can be yellow due to genetic factors.


Dentin has a yellow color beneath the enamel tissue. This is because enamel tissue thins as we age, making our teeth become more yellow with time.

Food and Beverage

Not all foods cause the yellowing of teeth. In fact, dairy products such as milk and cheese, calcium-containing vegetables, fruits, and especially apples are highly important foods for healthy teeth. However, colored drinks such as tea and coffee cause yellow teeth coloration.

Consumption of Lemon Water

Weight-loss enthusiasts frequently drink lemon water to lose weight. However, the high acid content of lemon juice caused tooth decay and yellowing teeth.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth: 14 Home Remedies

The best thing you can do if your teeth are yellow is to consult a professional. Only with professional help can you figure out the real reason behind your yellow-stained teeth and find a solution.

In spite of this, many useful methods can be tried at home. The following 14 methods are among the most effective.

1. Brush for Two Minutes Twice a Day

Brushing teeth twice a day is the most effective way to get rid of yellowed teeth. However, whiter teeth don't come from brushing more. Having excessively brushed your teeth can cause the enamel to be yellow for scratching teeth.

For effective cleaning, you should use a soft brush and circular movements. Oral health also requires cleaning the tongue surface with a toothbrush. You can have better results by brushing with an electric brush for 2 minutes.

2. Prefer Toothpaste Containing Fluoride

Toothpaste can serve a variety of purposes. Some toothpaste use bleaching chemicals to whiten teeth, while others may have ingredients for gum problems. Fluoride is an essential ingredient in toothpaste for maintaining clean teeth.

Furthermore, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of fluoride to prevent dental caries. Below 1000 ppm, fluoride is useless. Most toothpaste for adults contains 1450 ppm of fluoride. These toothpastes are not suitable for children under the age of 2, as they pose a risk of swallowing.

3. Floss At Least Once A Day

You may not even notice that there is food stuck between your teeth. Eventually, these residues become a food source for bacteria and cause bad breath in the mouth. Dental floss can help you avoid this danger. However, it is also important to know how to use it correctly. Here are the steps of using dental floss;

  • Take a ten- to twenty-inch (30- to 50-centimeter) length of floss and wrap it around your tooth.
  • Then move up and down and slide forward slightly.
  • Repeat the process for about 30 seconds.
  • Then apply this process to all your teeth.

If you experience bleeding gums while flossing, it means that your gums are also inflamed. Consider visiting a periodontist if this situation lasts for a long time.

4. Gargle Before and After Brushing Your Teeth

Like toothpaste, mouthwashes contain different ingredients. Some types contain alcohol, and others contain hydrogen peroxide, a whitening agent. Mouthwash is effective in cleaning teeth because it facilitates the removal of food residues.

There are many problems that mouthwash helps to solve, including tooth decay, gum disease, oral wounds, bad breath, and dry mouth. Usually, therapeutic mouthwashes are referred to as such. They are available with or without a prescription and usually contain alcohol.

5. Use a Pipette

Due to the hygienic benefits of straws, restaurants and cafes frequently use them as well. You can bring this habit into the home too. So, you can prevent the yellowing of your teeth due to drinks such as tea, fruit juice, and coffee.

6. Beware of Coffee, Citrus, and Red Wine

Which drinks do you don’t want to be spilled on your carpet the most? Most of the people’s top pick would be the trio of coffee, wine, and citrus. You should also avoid contact with the same drinks with your teeth. It would be a good idea to dilute your coffee with milk and to prefer white wine over red. It won't seem strange to drink citrus juice with a straw, either.

7. Chew Sugar-Free Gum After Meals

Your mouth produces more saliva when you chew gum. By doing so, saliva can wash away any food particles stuck between your teeth and make them harmless. Using sugary gum may erode your teeth's enamel and expose the yellow dentin underneath.

8. Quit Smoking

It is difficult to quit smoking, but a beautiful smile can help you overcome this harmful habit. Several smokers say they quit smoking after whitening treatment and pay more attention to their oral health afterward. It may work for you if you smoke a lot.

9. Get Regular Dental Care

Especially after age 30, permanent damage starts to occur to teeth. The best way to detect them and treat them early is to visit the dentist regularly. A dentist should be consulted twice a year to diagnose problems with your teeth and gums as early as possible.

10. Get Teeth Whitening

A teeth whitening procedure allows patients to understand the importance of oral hygiene rather than rendering an attractive appearance. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide penetrates deep into the teeth, destroying cavities and bacteria we are unaware of.

11. Use a Mouthguard Against Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding damages tooth enamel and triggers teeth to become more vulnerable. You can use custom-made mouthguards to keep your teeth safe at night. Your first night may be a little difficult, but you'll soon get used to them.

12. Have Veneers

Veneers may be a good option for those with tooth stains that can't be removed by whitening and who want more beautiful teeth structurally, veneers may be a good option. With laminate or Emex veneers, you can have your veneers with minimal dental damage.

13. Prefer Toothpaste Containing Activated Charcoal

Some toothpaste use activated charcoal as a whitening agent as an alternative to teeth-whitening chemicals. Researchers have found that activated charcoal toothpaste can produce results within four weeks.

However, the study conducted by ScienceDirect, which examined 208 scientific articles, found that activated charcoal does not produce a significant whitening effect and damages the hard surfaces of the teeth.

14. Use Herbal Chewing Sticks (Miswak)

Herbal chewing sticks are highly effective in preventing plaque buildup. In a scientific study conducted by the American National Library of Medicine (PUB MED) in 2012, the effects of herbal chewing sticks are listed as follows.

  • It prevents plaque formation due to friction and its chemical composition between plant fibers and tooth surfaces.
  • Each miswak's chemical components play a role in oral health; They are;
    • Silica: Its abrasive effect removes stains and deposits on the tooth surface.
    • Sodium Bicarbonate: Has an antimicrobial effect.
    • Tannic Acid: It has a shrinking effect on mucus. Therefore, it has a good plaque and gingivitis preventive role.
    • Resins: They form a layer on the enamel that protects it from micro-bacterial activities.
    • Alkaloids: They have an antiseptic effect and stimulate the flow of saliva.
    • Calcium and Fluoride Ions: They support the remineralization of the tooth structure.

How do I Stop My Teeth from Turning Yellow?

Yellow tooth stains are divided into two groups extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic stains occur on the teeth' surface and do not go under the dentin area. Bleaching methods can remove these stains.

Intrinsic yellowing is the staining that occurs under the tooth enamel and is more difficult to treat. Therefore, it is highly important that these stains are removed before they turn into intrinsic stains. Otherwise, patients will have to resort to more complex and expensive treatments, such as veneers, to eliminate these defects.

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