What is Dental Curettage Treatment with metal braces? What should be considered about Dental Curettage Treatment in dental prodecures in Antalya, Turkey?
Dental Curettage is the process of scraping under the gums. In this procedure, tartar and infections are cleaned up to 4-6 mm deep into the gums. The treatment aims to clean the dead tissues and prepare an environment for forming healthy tissues. Research has shown that in early treatments, the complications and recurrence rate of the disease significantly decrease.
Dental Curettage in Turkey
Dental curettage treatment is a tartar cleaning operation applied beneath the gums, resulting from poor teeth cleaning and neglecting superficial tartar cleaning. If the patient still neglects curettage cleaning, he may have to undergo much more complicated gum operations in the future.
Follow-up is very important because patients with periodontitis are in the risk group, and there is a possibility of disease recurrence. To ensure success after the treatment, it is vital that the patient follows the dentist's recommendations and does the oral care well.
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What Is Dental Curettage?
Periodontal curettage (dental curettage) is the process of scraping under the gums. In this procedure, tartar and infections are cleaned up to 4-6 mm deep into the gums. Treatment can be performed using small and sharp dental and ultrasonic dental instruments.
The treatment aims to clean the dead tissues and prepare an environment for forming healthy tissues. Research has shown that in early treatments, the complications and recurrence rate of the disease significantly decrease.
What Are Dental Curettage Symptoms?
Tartar formations under the gums may not exhibit their symptoms. However, swelling, redness, and bleeding in the gums are their most important symptoms. Even if you do not see these symptoms, if there is yellowing on the back of the teeth that cannot be removed by brushing or mouthwash, you should consult a dentist to check your gums.

How is Dental Curettage Done?
The dental curettage procedure consists of a few simple steps;
- Before the dental curettage application, the dentist injects needles from different points to prevent pain.
- In open tooth gum curettage surgeries, a sharp cutting tool is inserted into the gum pockets to remove dead tissue.
- The dead or infected tissue is removed from the gums. Deep tartar cleaning is performed.
- To remove deposits, the mouth is often washed with a sterile solution.
- The roots of the teeth are straightened so that they do not provide a surface for forming plaque and bacteria.
How Much Does Dental Curettage Cost?
In curettage treatment, the mouth is pided into 4 quadrants, and the treatment fee is determined by the number of quadrants to be treated. In each quadrant, 7 to 8 teeth are cleaned. Although the same procedure is applied, dental curettage prices vary greatly from country to country.
Curettage Treatment Costs;
- The USA : $140-$300 Per quadrant
- UK : £150-£200 Per quadrant
- Turkey : £150-£250 Per quadrant

How long Does Dental Curettage Take?
Curettage therapy is applied to each area in a single session. Depending on the extent of the disease, it may take 4 sessions to complete the treatment. It is completed in an average of two to three weeks. After the treatment, the patient is ordered to visit a dentist at determined intervals.
Are There Any Side Effects of Dental Curettage Treatment?
After dental curettage treatments, the gums get a squeezed healthy appearance. However, they are pulled towards the more robust areas of the tooth roots to hold well to the tooth root. This causes the root of the teeth to remain exposed.
This may seem to be the only side effect of curettage treatment; however, it is a result of camouflaging an unhealthy image of dead gums. Aesthetic dentists can eliminate this problem with gum aesthetics.
Why to Choose Turkey for Dental Curetta Treatment?
Dental treatment in Turkey is now becoming commonplace for many Europeans. But which city is the best for dental treatment in Turkey? Is it Istanbul, as everyone predicts? Or are there other cities where you can find better dental clinics?
The answer is yes. Dental tourism in Turkey is growing so rapidly that Turkey’s best dental clinics prefer Antalya, where patients can turn their dental treatment into a holiday.
Turkey has an increasing reputation for dental treatments and is home to some of the most famous dentists in the world. Dental treatment in Turkey is now becoming commonplace for many Europeans.
The reasons behind Turkey’s dental success can be attributed to factors as follows;
There are many sophisticated high-level dental clinics in Turkey that use state-of-the-art technology products for treatments. Antlara Dental is one of the pioneering dental clinics in Turkey, serving more than 18 years with a 98 success rate as Europe’s sophisticated clinics did. Antlara Dental has proven its success with more than 4000 happy smiles from 15 different countries.
Dental industry in Turkey is regulated according to the EU standards since Turkey has been a candidate country for the EU for more than 40 years. According to EU standards, all clinics must register with the health ministry. The dentist, after taking license, must undergo additional examinations and education to keep his or her license.
Education in Turkey
Turkey's oldest medical school, ‘’Istanbul Tıp Fakultesi’’, was founded in 1827, and since 1908 the university is the largest intake of dental students. To be a qualified dentist in Turkey, candidates must complete 36 months of work as employees at a professional practice.
You can wonder which city is the best for dental treatment in Turkey. Is it Istanbul, as everyone predicts? Or are there other cities where you can find better dental clinics? The answer is yes. Turkey’s best dental clinics prefer Antalya, where patients can turn their dental treatment into a holiday.
When people walk into Antala Dental, they immediately realize the dedication to supreme surgery. This is observed through treatment rooms, staff, and doctors. You can experience the feeling and sensation of being in the right place. During the surgery process, the doctors and staff develop a personal relationship with you.
Dental Crowns FAQ
Dental Crowns - AntalyaIf necessary, dental crowns can be removed and replaced with a new ones. However, sometimes it may not be possible to wear a new crown due to excessive tooth decay or trauma.
Minor damages on dental crowns can be easily repaired with composite resin or composite materials. However, fractures that are too large to be fixed with composite resin may need to be replaced with a new crown.
After crown treatment, patients may not get used to their new teeth for 2 or 3 weeks and may feel the new crown bulkier. If you still don't feel comfortable after that period, it is better to have your crown checked by your dentist.
Improper attachment on a filling or root canal treatment may leave a room where food debris can get stuck.
The most important points that you should pay attention to for proper dental crown maintenance are as follows;
- You should avoid tough and sticky foods,
- You should continue to brush and floss as you would do with your regular teeth.
- You should use the night guard recommended by your dentist, if you have grinding habits.
- You should have regular checkups with your dentist.