What does dental treatment for people with disabilities cover? What should be considered about Dental Treatment for Disabled people in dental prodecures in Antalya, Turkey?
While 85-90 percent of healthy individuals experience oral and dental health problems, it is seen that this rate is close to 100 percent in disabled people.
In our clinic, in addition to other branches of dentistry, local anesthesia as well as sedation and general anesthesia are provided to our disabled patients.
It should not be forgotten that it is the most natural right of disabled people to receive the highest level of health care, like other normal people.

In our clinic, in addition to other branches of dentistry, local anesthesia as well as sedation and general anesthesia are provided to our disabled patients.
Ramps, door entrances, toilets and clinical equipment have been considered in order to facilitate the wheelchair access of physically handicapped individuals within the clinic.
It should not be forgotten that it is the most natural right of disabled people to receive the highest level of health care, like other normal people.
What should be done to protect the Oral and Dental Health of the Disabled?
First of all, special attention should be paid to eating habits. Tooth decay occurs very quickly and easily due to sugar-containing foods such as milk, ready-made food and fruit juices consumed by bottle-fed disabled people. For this reason, teeth should be cleaned with a toothbrush if possible, or a clean cheesecloth after each feeding. They should not be fed at night unless absolutely necessary.
The main cause of tooth decay is sugary, acidic foods that easily stick to teeth and gums. If a special diet for the disabled is not recommended, foods containing plenty of sugar and carbohydrates should not be consumed as much as possible; When it is to be consumed, it should not be given between meals, these foods should be consumed in the main meals.
If tooth brushing is not possible for disabled people who have to be fed with puree, soft foods, the mouth should be rinsed after the meal or food residues should be wiped clean. Since most of the drugs in syrup form contain sugar, more attention should be paid to oral and dental care in those who use these drugs constantly. The patient's teeth should be brushed by his parents or caregivers, the patient should be taken to regular dentist checks and preventive applications from caries should be made. In terms of trust, patient follow-up should be done by the same dentist
According to studies conducted by UNESCO, 10% of Turkey's population, that is, approximately 6.5-7 million people, is thought to be disabled. As in the rest of the world, disabled people experience many social and health problems in our country.
According to the application communiqué on treatment aid; People with a disability of 40% or more can apply directly to all health institutions and organizations or private dentistry by documenting their disability for dental treatments.